Do you ever like chemistry at school?
Well, if you don’t, do you know that we have a chemical laboratory right inside our bodies?
Our body is an amazing chemical lab where many biochemical reactions take place for the accurate, continuous, and simultaneous functioning of every cell.
All biochemical reactions function their best in an alkaline range and are affected by acidic pH.
What is pH?
pH (power of Hydrogen) is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. This value ranges from 0 to 14.
Values below 7 pH exhibit acidic properties, and values above 7 pH exhibits basic or alkaline properties.
As you can see from the pH values in the figure below, our body is naturally alkaline except for some areas like gastric secretions. Most parts of our body are alkaline. In fact, our blood has a pH of 7.35 – 7.34 (slightly alkaline).
What causes the acidity of our body?
There are lots of causes of acidic pH; these are the following:
- Estrogen levels
- Insufficient sleep
- Chemicals and pesticides
- Stress hormones
- Low levels of blood oxygen
- Acid pooling
- Emotional stress
- Acidic diet
Yes, an acidic diet includes acid-forming meat, fish, poultry, dairy, grains, refined or processed foods, and fast food.
In fact, according to statistics, 80-90% of an average family diet (food and drinks) are acid-forming.
What will our body do if there is too much acid?
Our body is smart. Even though we eat acid, we breathe acid air and form acids through different processes. Our blood still maintains its pH at slightly alkaline.
Because we don’t stand a chance once our body’s pH falls or becomes acidic, we will be under the state of acidosis, and we could die in minutes.
Fortunately, our body has natural mechanisms to bring the pH to an alkaline state using the different buffer systems in our body.
But what if the acidity is just too much and the buffer systems can’t maintain it?
When the buffer systems cannot maintain the alkalinity of our body, it will still do everything it can to make itself alkaline, but for a price to pay. Our body will do the following:
- Acid pooling
- Bone Demineralization
What are these:
Acid pooling
The body dumps metabolic acids from the blood into our cells to maintain the alkaline nature of blood.
Due to this, the cells become acidic, harm the DNA, and our cells die.
However, some cells will evolve, adapt, and survive, but they will also become abnormal and mutated, these are the cells we also call - Malignant cells or Cancer cells.
Bone Demineralization
When the blood starts to become too acidic, and the supply of alkaline buffers in the blood is insufficient to neutralize the acidity, the blood automatically seeks out other ways to reach the pH balance.
Since calcium is a very alkalizing mineral, the body will start drawing calcium from our bones and teeth in an effort to balance the blood pH levels.
In the process, this will cause our bones to become weak, brittle, and porous, causing osteoporosis or weak bones, and even dental caries.
In addition, the dumping of these minerals in our blood can also cause these minerals to build up in our kidneys, causing painful kidney stones.
Too much acidity can also cause acid wastes deposited in our body, causing a myriad of degenerative diseases such as:
Check the diseases above and see if some of these are affecting your family.
So, what can we do?
Eat foods that are alkaline and drink Kangen alkalizing water.
The second property of Kangen water is very high pH levels. The pH of the drinking water produced from Kangen machines ranges from 8.0 – 9.5.
Since our body is 70-80% water, the most important thing you can do is drink the best ionized alkaline water since water contributes so much to our body.
But what is the difference between drinking commercialized alkaline water and Kangen water?
COMMERCIALIZED ALKALINE WATER (Chemically altered Alkaline Water)
If you go to a grocery store and get alkaline water, look at the water labels, the ingredients say there: purified water, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate, some even put baking soda.
This means that to make the water alkaline, they put these alkalizing minerals and chemicals. The problem with these, if you drink too much, these may build up in the body and can cause a long-term effect, a condition called - Alkalosis.
That's why some people drinking Alkaline water before long will experience lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, and even numbness.
KANGEN WATER (Molecularly altered Alkalized Water)
The alkalinity happens through an electrolysis process.
This uses a direct electric current and positively and negatively charged metal plates to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction.
This electrolysis process (Kangen Water Machine) is carried out in the electrolysis chamber of the machine. It is used to change the chemical structure of the water molecules, producing Hydrogen Ions (H+) and Hydroxide Anions (OH-).
Let's remember that water is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen (H2O). When one of the hydrogen bonds on the water molecule is broken and dissociated, we end up with a hydrogen ion (H+) and hydroxide ion (OH-).
As the reactions continue, they ultimately lead to the production of water that is either full of molecular hydrogen gas or full of oxygen gas.
These tiny Molecular Hydrogen gas bubbles infuse the alkaline water that has gone through this electrolysis process and make it so special at helping the body heal.
Molecular Hydrogen (H2 gas) is one of the most beneficial antioxidants around. As we've seen, it is produced as a byproduct during the electrolysis process – the first property of Kangen Water, the Antioxidant Property.
So, what can an Alkaline pH do in our body? Why do we want this in our bodies?
Alkaline pH will:
1. Boost your immune system
Our immune system flourishes in an alkaline environment.
Beneficial bacteria in the gut grow well in an alkaline diet. Their presence stimulates our immune system and has direct 85% of our body’s antibody production.
They also help release crucial vitamins from our food: anti-cancer vitamins: biotin, b12, folic acid, and Vitamin K.
They even produce powerful anti-cancer chemicals (sodium butyrate) that help in the elimination of cancer.
2. Alkaline environment keeps harmful bacteria inactive.
An acidic environment makes a condition favorable for the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungus, molds, and viruses.
3. Help in the elimination of acidic waste in our bodies.
If our body is acidic, the body’s ability to eliminate waste products will slow down.
To protect itself, the body converts acidic waste into solid waste and stores it in less critical areas of the body.
Accumulation of solid wastes can contribute to many health problems: excess weight, clogged arteries, arthritis, kidney stones, and various other chronic illnesses.
Research shows that unless the body’s pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself since all biochemical reactions in our body function best in an alkaline range.
Internal pH should be considered and treated by all medical professionals in treating various ailments of the body. As we understand the role of pH balance and discover how to control it, we will experience health at an entirely new level.
Change your Water
Change Your Life
Pinky De Leon - Intal, MD
Internal pH in Health and Disease
Valeriu Esan
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